Build a solid foundation in science-based nutrition that is 100% customized to your unique body, goals, and needs
Summer macro nutrition group coaching program for women" or "macro nutrition group coaching program for women" and add summer group somewhere else.
July 29th - September 8th
Did you know that most women think that to lose weight, they have to cut out entire food groups, reduce their calories to 1,200 per day or less, and exercise for hours every single day?
Well that is not true my friend. You do NOT have to live like that to lose weight.
Learn the evidence-based solution for losing weight and improving your body composition without restriction, hard-core dieting, or excessive exercise.

I bet you're tired of...
✔️ Struggling to figure out how much to eat for your goals.
✔️ Losing and gaining the same 5-10 pounds.
✔️ Cutting out your favorite foods, only to binge on them a few weeks later.
✔️ Feeling low energy, missing out on fun events, and obsessing over the scale.
✔️ Wondering why everyone else is getting results, but you’re not.
I get it! I felt the same way until I discovered the solution!
Macros 101 is the fun and easy way to jumpstart your results using science-based macro nutrition, practical solutions, and hands-on support!

Macros 101 is our beginner-to-intermediate-level, macro nutrition group coaching program for women looking to lose weight safely and sustainably without restriction or hard-core dieting. Inside this science-based program, you will learn how to eat for your goals, understand how your unique body works, and create a strong foundation in macros, all while eating the foods you love.
At the end of 6 weeks, you will understand how to use macros to reach your goals without feeling the hunger, frustration, or deprivation that you usually experience on a restrictive diet.
If you’ve been looking for a straightforward way to lose weight and have your cake, too, this is for you!
Inside Macros 101, you’ll learn the same high-level macro nutrition strategies that my team of coaches and I use with our 1:1 clients. These strategies have helped our clients lose over 8,000 pounds collectively since 2014. Macros work, and after Macros 101, you will know precisely how to make macros work for you.

"You [Eve] are hands down the best nutrition coach ever. I'm not just saying that because we have known each other for so long. I want to tell you what I've been up to. I wish I could tell everyone. So I did your program and it worked great. After that, I was tracking but not religiously. My ex trainer who talked me into taking life vantage supplements and to eat whatever you want: No macros needed! This trainer had me eating 1200 calories for about 2 years straight. I listened and gained 7 pounds. My gym then opens a nutrition program. I pay the last 2 months. What have I learned?? Nothing. Nothing I didn't already know from you.
Bottom line... I went back to macros, following what you set for me back then and I lost the gained weight. Girl ... You rock. You are the best. Please pass this on to your current and future clients. Macros are the only way to get results. Period. I wonder where I would be if I had kept doing what you told me to do for all these months."

You see, macros are *literally* exactly what your body needs to perform at its best. If they’re calculated properly (by a competent human being, not some lame a** online macro calculator), and then followed and tracked meticulously, they WILL work.
The creator of Macros 101. I am obsessed with getting my clients crazy good results (since 2014) eating the foods they love without living under restriction. I’ve lost 150 pounds of my own, went from fat to a nationally qualified figure competitor, and turned my passion for nutritional education and body transformations into a thriving business that has impacted thousands of incredible women from around the world. It is my mission to empower women to take back control over their bodies and nutrition and to experience the food freedom they need to live their best life.

Growing up overweight and ultimately reaching my highest weight of 277 pounds at 24 years old, I had done all the ‘right’ things for years…
✔️ Eaten 1,200 calories (or less!) a day
✔️ Exercised until I felt like I could pass out.
✔️ Refused to eat after 7pm, no matter what.
✔️ Cut out all carbohydrates. All’em.
✔️ Skipped family functions because I worried I couldn’t ‘control’ my eating.
Anything you’ve heard of (or maybe even done yourself), I’ve tried. And absolutely none of it worked in the long run.
If you’ve been struggling to lose weight using a trendy diet, green juice cleanse, or high-intensity workout and diet program, you’re not the only one. We have ALL gotten caught up in restrictive diets at one point or another, myself included!
Now that I know better and have coached thousands of clients to success using macros, I want to help you experience the same results.

Meet your coach, HEATHER NUNES
Precision Nutrition & NASM-certified Macro Nutrition Expert Coach
Head Coach for MacroU
Heather joined the Macro Mentorship coaching team as an assistant coach in July 2021… and let me tell you …she has added the perfect combination of sassy, salty and loyalty #leoTribe
Heather is a Macro Nutrition and Precision Nutrition certified coach. She has always been fascinated by nutrition and began her journey with a Holistic Nutrition course that she completed before starting a family.
Not long after becoming a first time mom, Heather fell in love with the fitness world and like most, she became obsessive with her training.
For years she spent 6/7 days a week following HIIT workouts, Circuit-style training, spin classes etc. accompanied by trying (and hating) every fad diet that came on the market, looking for that 30 day diet that would finally help her reach her goals.
She finally found balance and the results she was after through macro tracking, and it is for this reason that she is so passionate about teaching others how to achieve the same results, without fad diets.
Finding macro tracking 8 years ago changed everything for Heather, from her mindset, to her body composition, to her ability to show up in her relationships.
Her desire to teach others how to live a sustainable life without restriction and burn out is why she became a certified macro nutrition coach and is so passionate about what she does.
Heather lives in the great North (Canada) with her blended family of 7.
She is a wife, mom to 3 girls + 2 step-sons, and has 2 dogs and a cat who is the most handsome cross-eyed cat you’ll ever lay eyes on. Heather has severe separation anxiety with her kids getting older and leaving the cro wded, overbearing nest of hers and pours her need to nurture into her clients.
She is a true INFJ, very empathetic, very introverted and is much more fun online than in person.
Heather’s experience, empathy, and grit make her a great coach for you inside of MACROS 101

Understand how your unique body works.
Know exactly what to eat and how much of it to eat and still reach your goals
Start a brand-new weight loss that *actually* works with your lifestyle.
Feel educated, empowered, and confident about your food choices.
Give up the food restriction and hard-core dieting for good!
No more guessing games, no more starve-binge-starve cycle, no more trendy diets, no more frustration, no more ‘magic’ pills, no more missing out on friends and family...You will have a fool-proof and frustration-free way to take control of your nutrition and your results.
The science we teach inside Macros 101 is genuine.
This is not some ‘throw spaghetti at the wall and hope it sticks’ type program where we put you in a crazy a** deficit because we know you’ll lose weight.
The macros we calculate are done by hand, the instruction we give is based on real science, and the feedback we provide comes straight from the mouths of trained experts who have had years of success using macros on themselves and their clients.
If you’ve tried macros before and they ‘didn’t work’ it’s time you tried them again. This time with real, certified macro nutrition experts guiding you every step of the way.
As I said,

Macros 101 Guide
includes EVERYTHING you need to get started with macros
Macro Meal Plan Builder
Macros 101 Grocery List
4 Recorded Training Modules
on all things macros, nutrition, and sustainable weight loss
Weekly Q&A threads
Initial Macros
calculated for you
One Virtual Check-In with your macro coach
Daily Group Support
Fitness App access- home & gym workouts
We recommend that you have been eating at maintenance for a least 4 months before doing this program for fat loss.
Email us at
[email protected] if you need help determining if you are ready for a fat loss phase.

This introductory-level, fully comprehensive macro nutrition course is perfect for individuals with beginner and intermediate-level nutrition knowledge and those who may have given macros a try before, but are looking for science-based coaching, want to create a stronger foundation with nutrition, and get expert-calculated, custom-fit macros.
This program is NOT for macro coaches, nor is it for women looking for very high-touch 1:1 coaching. If you are an aspiring macro coach or are looking for 1:1 weight loss coaching, please email us at [email protected] so we can point you in the right direction!
Macros 101 gives you an easy-to-consume, yet in-depth understanding of macro nutrition, teaches you strategies for incorporating macros into your lifestyle, and provides you with custom macros (and a check-in mid way through to make sure you are on track), so you can get started on the right foot!

from the endless cycle of dieting and falling off the wagon.
Everything you’ve wanted to know about macros is covered in Macros 101. Using the knowledge you’ll acquire inside this 6-week program, you will have all the tools to lose weight and reach the goals you so deserve to achieve. Plus, with expert-calculated initial macros and one digital check-in and adjustment, Macros 101 will give you what you need to succeed.

Get exclusive access to my Macros 101 Guide, Macro Meal Plan Builder, Macros 101 Grocery List, Recorded Training Modules, Group Q&As, Initial Macros, One Virtual Check-Point Midway through with your macro coach, and Group Support, all for just

Price: $217
The macro nutrition foundations I teach inside Macros 101 are the exact same systems I use with our high-touch, 1:1 weight loss clients inside my international macro nutrition coaching program, MacroU. Our clients have lost over 8,000 pounds inside MacroU, and now, you too will have the tools to achieve your own version of macro nutrition and weight loss success!
These foundational methods work!
The truth of the matter is, if you want to get results, sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and start doing something.
Take action and make changes.
Getting to where you want to be IS possible for you.
But it’s not going to happen if you’re restricting all week and binging on the weekend. It’s not going to happen if you are undereating and overexercising. It’s not going to happen if you keep giving up on yourself.
I know because I gave up about 20 times before I lost the first 150 pounds.
Macro nutrition works because it is something that you can *literally* do for the rest of your life.
When all is said and done, YOU are the only one who can change your current situation. And to do that, you’ve GOT to put your excuses away. Right freakin’ now.
Macros 101 is the key to unlocking the result you so desperately deserve.
The doors are open...Let’s do this!