10 Reasons You're Not Making Progress

Jan 21, 2022

Most women know what to do to lose weight…they’re just not always doing it.

Sound familiar?

Sure, there are calories in vs. calories out, we all know that but what about the smaller, more detailed things we might be missing?

Things that could be keeping you from winning at weight loss:

  1. You’re not tracking your bites, licks, and tastes throughout the day
  2. You’re highly stressed and/or not sleeping well
  3. You aren’t tracking dressings or condiments and sauces
  4. You’re doing too much cardio, not enough strength-training
  5. You’re eating too little and your metabolism has adapted, trying to keep you alive
  6. You watch your intake M-F, then eat all the things on the weekend
  7. You’re not getting much movement throughout the day
  8. You are way too focused on the scale and not on other data like measurements, energy levels, etc.
  9. You’re the calories that your fitness tracking app ‘gives you back’ after a workout
  10. You don’t have a great coach to guide you and hold you accountable

How many of those things are you doing?

I definitely used to be guilty of numbers 1, 2, 4, and 8.

And a lot of clients needed number 10 to finally get it to all come together once and for all.

At G-Transformation Academy, we teach our clients how to manage all of these and so much more. If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels, let us help!

We're opening up Macros 101 again just to help you learn more! Join the waitlist now to be the first to know when we start again.



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