How to Lose Fat
Jan 13, 2021
There are a million and one fad diets out there. And they all claim to work quickly.
Some of them do, some of them don’t. You can certainly follow your favorite celebrity influencer, drop 50eleven dollars on some super shake, perfect pill, or jazzy juice, and hope for the best.
Or, you can follow the science…something every year has (or maybe should have) been all about from the jump.
Fad diets may or may not work. But there are some things that are GUARANTEED to work.
Want to know what they are? Here you go:
Eat fewer processed, packaged foods. Choose to eat farm-to-table foods whenever possible. About 80% of your daily calories should be all-natural and unprocessed. This allows you some wiggle room for fun foods so you can maintain a healthy and sustainable balance.
Eat more fruits and vegetables. Start with 3-4 total servings per day. Incorporate veggies into omelets and chili or add fruit to your morning cereal or as a topping to afternoon yogurt or even as a natural dessert alternative.
Stop drinking your calories. Sugary beverages easily add up to 200-600 calories per day. Juices, flavored waters, and canned sodas all fall into the sugary beverage category. And so do some of your favorite Starbucks options, too. Be mindful of what you put into your daily coffee and other beverages.
Prioritize resistance training over cardio. Incorporate 2-5 days per week. Strength and resistance training build the muscle needed to burn additional daily calories and boost your metabolism naturally. Cardio should only be done in moderation 1-2 times per week.
Understand that calorie balance controls weight loss and fat loss. If you’re overeating, fat loss won’t happen. Period. So, you’ve got to know your numbers. How much you burn, how much to eat, how much you want to lose.
Quit doing restrictive, crazy diets that you know you won’t be able to maintain. The only way to really lose fat and keep it off is by using a sustainable method where you love what you eat. In my case, that’s nachos!
Eating well, moving more, and maintaining a sustainable, balanced diet is what you should be doing to lose fat. No gimmicks or fads.
Follow the science…find the results. Click HERE to get started.