When I was 277 pounds I should've done this
Feb 11, 2021
I remember being weighed down, daily, thinking about weight loss; why it wasn’t working for me, counting the minutes until the next bland meal, working out hard and not seeing results, sick of getting on the scale each and every Friday, only to be disappointed.
Nothing was working.
And that is because I was going about it all wrong.
I was only eating 1,000-1,2000 calories a day.
Exercising twice a day.
Eating ‘diet’ foods.
Barely getting any fiber.
Super dehydrated
Not getting enough sleep.
I was working so hard but getting nowhere.
Then I did the research. I began studying nutrition like it was my job.
I came up with a nutrition and fitness blueprint that helped me lose 120 pounds in just 16 months. That’s an entire human being!
I started upping my calories.
Counted macros.
Made higher quality food choices.
Prioritized lifting over cardio.
Drank more water and ate more fiber.
Started getting 8 hours of sleep of night.
Once I reached my goal weight, I took my blueprint, reverse engineered it into a comprehensive weight loss program, and taught it to 45 women.
This became our signature group program designed to jumpstart fat loss while eating real food and doing less work.
If I had known about macros and macro nutrition back when I was 277 pounds, I would have definitely started there. I never need a break from this ‘diet’ because I can literally eat anything I want and still reach my goals. I never feel deprived and neither do my clients. That is why Macro Nutrition works and that is why it is the ONE fat loss method I teach.
Macro Nutrition is right for everyone. Get started HERE.