Counting calories to tracking macros

May 18, 2023

Here’s how to switch from counting calories to tracking macros.

You’ve been counting calories for a while, but now you’re ready to start tracking macros

Great. I got you!

Here’s a super simple way to make the transition.

First, track your calories in MacrosFirst for a full week like you normally do.

Then at end of the week, turn your phone horizontally and see where your macros
(Protein/Carbs/Fat) fall naturally. *This average is your macro baseline.*

Next week, aim to get 100+ grams of Protein and let the Carbs & Fat fall where they fall.

Finally, adjust up or down as needed to ensure satiety, good energy, and forward progress.

Macro counts aren’t just random numbers, they should mean something to you.

By starting with a macro baseline you’re familiar with and improving on it by moving the needle on one macro at a time (starting with protein) you’ll be more likely to stay on plan.

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