You're Eating More Than you Think...
Oct 20, 2022
You’re probably eating more calories than you think.
And yes, I said what I said.
Most women who apply to work with us write that they’re consuming somewhere between 1200-1500 calories a day.
Then, when we look at their food logs, the ones we require them to complete, we realize that, in fact, they’re not eating what they say they’re eating.
They’re actually consuming a whole lot more!
And this is why we require the info and continue monitoring once we become your coach…it's all about accountability, my friend!
See, they might be hitting 1200-1500 calories on most days (especially Monday-Friday), but then, they give themselves a little break (especially on the weekend) and eat a whole lot more. On these days, they’re sometimes ranging closer to 2200-2500+ calories.
And there’s nothing wrong with that, except when you do an average at the end of the week, adding up all 7 days’ worth of intake and dividing it by 7, it turns out they’re eating closer to 1700-1900 calories each day.
The high-calorie days factor in right alongside the low-calorie days, so you end up with a significantly higher daily average than you think.
And this is why fat loss is stalled, and frustration is high.
If you feel like you’re working SO hard and eating SO little, you are!
The reason you aren’t seeing the results you think you should is because on those days ‘off’ you’re literally undoing all the previous days of hard work.
And it’s happening because when you’re restricting so hard, it’s nearly impossible not to want to eat all the things.
You’re freakin’ hungry!
But it’s a vicious cycle, and the only way to break it is to really understand how much you need to eat for your goals, then eat that, and only that, consistently.
With macros, there are no foods off the table so eat what you like, when you like, stay within your daily and weekly numbers, and you’re all good to go!
No more restriction, no more ‘off limits’ foods, no more stalled out results.
You can have it all!
Click HERE to learn more about how G-Transformation Academy’s macro nutrition coaching programs can help you have it all and reach your much-deserved goals.