Poop...yep, we went there
Sep 14, 2022
So, it’s time to talk about an often un-talked-about topic…
💩 POOP! 💩
Everybody does it.
But a surprisingly large percentage of the population isn’t doing it right!
See, pooping is normal, natural, and should happen frequently. Like, at least daily, if not 2+ times per day.
Oh, and it should be comfortable too. Not something you have to force out or something that has you racing to “The Jane” out of fear of dirtying up yourself.
Any of this sound familiar? I hope not! But if so, keep reading!
So, what’s your poop saying about you?
Use this adapted Bristol Stool Scale below and choose which poop most accurately describes your typical poop-style!
Here’s how it breaks down…
- The ideal poop-type is 3 or 4, easy to pass without being watery. If this is you, YAY!
- If yours is like 1 or 2, you’re probably constipated.
- And if it’s more like 5, 6, or 7, you’re likely experiencing diarrhea.
Want to get yours in the 3-4 range without quitting your day job?
Try adding in healthy probiotics (either in the form of supplements or from foods like kefir), eating fiber-full foods (like cruciferous green veggies), adding in fruit or veg at each meal, drinking more water, and moving your body more intentionally.
Clients enrolled in our G-Transformation programs know exactly what to eat to maintain a healthy digestive system while losing weight, building lean muscle, and reaching their health goals.
Ready to get your digestion on point naturally?
Click THIS LINK to learn more about our exclusive coaching programs today!