One-On-One Flexible Nutrition Coaching with MacroU

Where macro science and functional nutrition coaching meet! 

Experience improved body confidence, create new healthy habits, enjoy food flexibility, and reach your goals with 100% accountability and support.

Macro Science + Functional Nutrition = Real Results for Real Women

Apply Now

Does this sound familiar?


You’ve lost and gained the same 10 pounds over and over (and over!).

You’re constantly avoiding foods you love…then binging when you just can’t take it anymore.

You’re starting to believe that great results only come when you’re miserable (and you’re totally over it!).

You’re hungry, tired, overwhelmed, and beyond frustrated…”Will I ever reach my goals? Ever?”

You keep avoiding parties and social events because you don’t know what to eat without ‘undoing’ your progress.

You workout regularly but feel like you have absolutely nothing to show for it…”What’s the point?”


Listen, I have been there. And more importantly, our clients have been there, too. 


But using our proprietary coaching system that combines macro nutrition coaching and functional nutrition coaching, yo-yo dieting, avoiding the foods you love, extreme fitness plans, lackluster results, and overwhelming frustration are all a thing of the past.


Are you ready to finally have something to show for all your hard work?

Our mission at The Macro University is to help women (especially those 35+) uncover and address the underlying health concerns that are secretly sabotaging results, create newer, healthier, and more sustainable habits, experience complete food flexibility, increase body confidence, and reach every single goal with 100% accountability and support…all without the frustration of lifestyle restrictions like extreme diet and exercise.


We want every woman to feel good in their body because after all these years of dieting, exercising, avoiding social events, and wishing you could just feel good already, you more than deserve to look and feel your best!




I’m constantly amazed by the personal attention I receive from Eve. It’s not just a weekly check-in with her; sometimes we are communicating 3-4 times in a week. Eve is truly a teacher, and she is passionate about teaching her clients all about macros. I have learned so much from her. Eve’s private Facebook group for her clients has also been a great benefit.


Thank you for all of your passion and hard work. I am feeling so blessed by everything I have learned and put into practice. Being able to eat more carbs has been wonderful and the power of the scale number to rule my day has been dismantled. I am so grateful for Cait as well. She was such a support with so many concrete suggestions to my various challenges. You have built a terrific team.


Using our proprietary methods you'll gain access to:

  • Gain access to our scientifically proven system for looking and feeling your best...

  •  Receive total support and guidance instead of sitting stuck in utter confusion and frustration…

  • Enjoy your favorite foods at home and on-the-go while still hitting your goals…
  • Lose weight and maintain your results without feeling like you are on a diet…
  • Feel better about your body, increase your energy levels, and start feeling good again…
  • Uncover course-corrective methods for the underlying health issues that are derailing your progress…
  • Spend less time at the gym while still getting incredible, long-lasting results…
  • Be a part of an amazingly encouraging community of women on a journey just like yours…
  • See results you love in less time than doing it on your own, then, keep the results coming forever… 

Most importantly, you will stop ‘starting over’ and quit questioning yourself or your decisions because our methods do more than address surface-level weight loss for aesthetics. 


At MacroU, we get to the root of your health needs so you can get results that feel good and create healthy habits that last a lifetime.

I am down 25 lbs. My waist is getting smaller, my butt is getting bigger and my legs are getting more toned. Everything a girl can ask for lol.


I’ve lost about 26 pounds and 28 inches while working with Eve. My body shape is changing, and I am getting toned. I also feel that I have a better relationship with food, and I love lifting weights.




Here's how it works:


Join MacroU

Set up your private client portal and submit payment. Fill out a detailed questionnaire that will allow your coach to create a plan that it customized for your goals and current lifestyle. Submit past lab reports to your coach. Chat with us about your goals.

**we accept HSA/FSA**

Receive Your Customized Plan

You will receive a custom plan that is adjusted frequently based off your progress and unique body. Let the tracking begin... data = results!

Meet weekly virtually

Connect with your coach in a private 1:1 session each week for guidance, adjustments, and accountability. Daily text & voice memo access to your coach will be activated. Your coach will schedule your checkins so you can get started as soon as possible. 

Apply Today

What's Included:


In-Depth Personalized Check-ins: You will get weekly or biweekly check ins so you have a plan to stay motivated and on track. We provide video and voice message feedback + updated goals and targets for you to hit.


✔ Customized Nutrition: Need we say more? Every body is different. You receive customized calories and macros from day one and they are adjusted frequently based on your metabolism, goals and progress. No two plans are ever the same...guaranteed!


✔ Lab Work: This is where the ‘functional’ part comes in. If needed, we can run your bloodwork and make comprehensive recommendations for lab work (CBC, CMP, thyroid panels, DUTCH hormone panels, etc) are recommended as necessary and assessed by our team for a functional nutrition approach.


✔ Home & Gym Workouts: Access to the MACROU Fitness App where you receive new workouts every month. Movement is essential for all goals. We are here to help you feel happier and confident in your body.


✔ Supplement Recommendations: We totally believe in the power of ‘food as medicine’ but you may need a little support to ensure you’re getting everything you need. We make supplement recommendations based on your specific goals so you can reach them faster.


✔ Private Messaging: Get comprehensive access to your macro coach Monday thru Friday for questions, support, and because things happen in life. :)


✔ Accountability & Support: The MACROU coaching team is here for you along with your peers on their own journey in our support group and fitness app! You will get weekly or biweekly check-ins with your coach. This time, you won't be doing it alone!


✔ Macro Makeover Course: Get access to our trademarked, self-paced macro nutrition course with curriculum that teaches you everything from macro basics for beginners to fat loss, to maintenance, to muscle building to carb cycling.


✔ MACROU Community: An exclusive private group where we hang out to answer your questions, participate in monthly challenges and educate you daily. We make science based nutrition fun and easy- we all started somewhere ;)

**we accept HSA/FSA via TrueMed**

Ok, but what exactly does Flexible Nutrition Coaching mean for me?


Ok, but what exactly does Flexible Nutrition Coaching mean for me?


Most coaching programs only focuses on your daily intake vs output. These plans will tell you the target macros, minutes of daily exercise, and foods to avoid to get a good result.


And for many people, this works!

However, for far too many others, especially women over 35, this approach will never work.


Because it doesn’t take into account the more profound, underlying health, metabolic, and hormonal issues that many 35+ women have as a result of years of dieting, (peri)menopause, PCOS, hormonal imbalances, mineral imbalances, autoimmune disorders, and more. 

By combining Macro Nutrition with Functional Nutrition we get to the core of the issue by testing and accounting for all of these often overlooked, under the surface complications that prevent or stall results for so many women leaving them feeling confused and defeated.

If you’ve been counting calories, tracking macros, drinking detox teas, avoiding foods you love, and hitting the gym 5+ times a week with little to nothing to show for it, we’ve got the missing piece.

By combining macro science and functional nutrition, your coach will help you discover the underlying cause of stubborn weight loss, unwanted weight gain, low energy levels, and so much more.


I know you know a lot about dieting and exercising. You’ve been doing it for years!
But what worked then isn’t working now…and we’re here to get you back on track.

Apply NOW

If you’ve ever thought to yourself…

  • “Last time I lost weight, I did XYZ; maybe I should try it again.”
  • “If I stop eating by 6 pm daily, I should be ok.”
  • “I really shouldn’t eat out today, it’s way too hard to track what I’m eating.”
  • “I’ve cut carbs and sugar, but my midsection is still not lean enough…why me?”
  • “Clearly my metabolism is totally messed up…and it’ll never work like before.”
  • “I turned 35, and now it’s like my body is betraying me. This sucks!”
  • “I guess this is just how it is now. I’m older. My body will never be the same as it was.”
  • “All I want is to feel good in my body. Is this asking too much?!?”


We totally get it! 

Every coach on our team has said the same things to ourselves, and so have our clients.



The MACROU Team of coaches is an incredibly talented group of NASM-Certified Macro Nutrition Specialists.

With 23+ years of experience between us, we’ve helped more than 3,000 clients lose over 30,000 pounds in the last 11 years. 


Each professionally certified expert coach has been personally trained and selected by MACROU founder, Eve Guzman, MT (ASCP), MBA CSN and hold multiple certifications ranging from CPT to LPN and so many others in between. 


It is our mission to help you address underlying health issues, lose stubborn weight, create healthy habits, balance your hormones, improve your energy levels, increase body confidence, get long-lasting results and feel really damn good using our sustainable nutrition-based methods rooted in macro and functional nutrition sciences.


We believe that you should be able to reach your goals and feel good in your body while eating the foods you love for the rest of your life.

more about our coaches


Eve Guzman 

We all start somewhere..

Fifteen years ago I was wasting my life away in drive-thru lines, 140 pounds overweight, wondering if I’d ever get it together enough to play with my kids, feel confident taking photos with my family, or even just get out of bed feeling energized and ready to do all the things I wanted to do in life.

I felt hopeless. Like I was a failure. Like nothing would ever work for me and a healthy body was just something meant for someone else, not me.

Then I found macros and functional nutrition, lost 154 pounds, reversed my underlying health concerns, balanced my hormones, and most importantly, learned how to maintain those results despite severe metabolic damage, multiple surgeries that sidelined me for weeks, perimenopause, and the chaotic ebb and flow of life. 

My team and I are here to help you do the same. We thrive on helping women just like you feel your best and create a lifestyle you love.

Whether it’s ten pounds or one-hundred, whether you’re just starting out or been doing this dieting thing for a lifetime, we’ve got the tools to help you succeed and finally feel good in your body once and for all. 

I've invested so much money in weight loss programs already, how do I know this will work?

I want results, but I don’t want to feel sluggish or starve.

What if there’s something really ‘wrong’ with me, and I will never feel healthy or confident…ever?

Let me tell you this...

we understand!

After spending over 20 years trying every diet, nutrition bar, and shake on the market, I was tired of wasting money and wondering if maybe something was wrong with me, too! I thought maybe I just couldn’t lose weight, and no matter what I did, I was destined to stay overweight.

Turns out? There was nothing wrong with me, it was the programs! They were not designed to fit me, rather, I was trying to fit myself into the programs. Big mistake!

Once I discovered macro nutrition and the flexibility and customization it allowed, the weight finally came off and stayed off. And I didn’t have to starve!

I mastered my metabolism, boosted my confidence, and the rest just fell into place.

The Macro Nutrition you learn inside MACROU is literally for everyone!

Plus, our NASM-certified coaches are well-versed in identifying and serving special populations like breastfeeding moms, women with PCOS, diabetes, thyroid issues, and more. Beyond weight loss, our coaches can identify and remedy (through nutrition) damaged metabolisms and oftentimes help their clients reverse the negative effect that long-time dieting causes.

We want this to be the last money you spend on building the best version of yourself, forever.

If You're Ready To 


  • Tired of starting over again and again…
  • Sick of feeling stuck, and ready for real results…
  • Excited to trust an expert coach to guide you to long-lasting success…
  • Ready to put your health first, both for yourself and the ones you love…
  • Serious and prepared to commit to looking at food and nutrition differently...

Then let the team of expert coaches at MACROU provide you with the tools, support, and guidance you need to feel your best today, tomorrow, and for the future.

apply now!


DISCLAIMER: Those stated by my clients are there results. Individual results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. 

The Coach makes no representations or warranties as to specific outcomes or results. 

The Coach cannot guarantee that you will become or remain happy, rich, healthy, or successful as it is based on the individual taking action.