Personalized nutrition with a scientifically-proven solution TO YOUR WEIGHT STRUGGLES

The MACROU Team of coaches is an incredibly talented group of NASM-Certified Macro Nutrition Experts. Each professionally trained expert coach has been personally trained and selected by MACROU founder, Eve Guzman, MT (ASCP), MBA CSN. It is our mission to teach you how to get long-lasting results using our sustainable nutrition-based methods.

We believe that you should be able to reach your goals while eating the foods you love for the rest of your life.


Eve Guzman


co-founder & coach @eveguzmanoffical

Eve Guzman, MBA, MLS (ASCP) is a wife, mother, scientist, nutritionist, researcher, speaker, connector, business coach for fitness coaches, macro nutrition expert with 23 years of experience, and creator of the Macro Nutrition Coaching Certification.

The Fort Wayne, Indiana native, attended school at the University of Saint Francis for Molecular Biology and received her Medical Laboratory Science Degree and Certification through the American Society of Clinical Pathology. She also holds an MBA in Health Care Management from Indiana Wesleyan University.

She is a wife, mother of two, and the founder of G-Transformation Academy, a metabolism and macro nutrition coaching company which aims to help women improve their health, ditch fad diets, lose weight, and eat real food without being restricted. Through her signature certification system, The Macro Mentorship Program, Eve also certifies personal trainers, nutritionists, and health coaches on macro-based nutrition, helping them build six-figure businesses of their own.

Eve is a highly sought-after public speaker and has made several appearances on FOX News, WISH TV, and AOL News. She is one of Google’s trending health experts and has been featured as a special guest in several national magazines, including Her, Beauty Fitness Women, and PEOPLE Magazine. A podcast guest favorite, Eve is also the author of the wildly popular PEOPLE Magazine blog series, “Fat to Figure Competitor,” and has made numerous appearances as a keynote speaker at women’s business networking events across the Midwest.

She has personally lost more than 150 pounds by combining exercise and her signature macro nutrition philosophy, taking her from obese to a nationally qualified figure competitor. She inspires and educates women worldwide on ways to create sustainable, healthy lifestyle changes to become their best version. Eve’s mission is to see all women achieve real body goals by eating the foods they love for the rest of their life.




Heather joined the Macro Mentorship coaching team as an assistant coach in July 2021… and let me tell you …she has added the perfect combination of sassy, salty and loyalty #leoTribe

Heather is a Macro Nutrition and Precision Nutrition certified coach. She has always been fascinated by nutrition and began her journey with a Holistic Nutrition course that she completed before starting a family.

Not long after becoming a first time mom, Heather fell in love with the fitness world and like most, she became obsessive with her training.

For years she spent 6/7 days a week following HIIT workouts, Circuit-style training, spin classes etc. accompanied by trying (and hating) every fad diet that came on the market, looking for that 30 day diet that would finally help her reach her goals.

She finally found balance and the results she was after through macro tracking, and it is for this reason that she is so passionate about teaching others how to achieve the same results, without fad diets.

Finding macro tracking 8 years ago changed everything for Heather, from her mindset, to her body composition, to her ability to show up in her relationships.

Her desire to teach others how to live a sustainable life without restriction and burn out is why she became a certified macro nutrition coach and is so passionate about what she does.

Heather lives in the great North (Canada) with her blended family of 7.

She is a wife, mom to 3 girls + 2 step-sons, and has 2 dogs and a cat who is the most handsome cross-eyed cat you’ll ever lay eyes on. Heather has severe separation anxiety with her kids getting older and leaving the cro wded, overbearing nest of hers and pours her need to nurture into her clients.

She is a true INFJ, very empathetic, very introverted and is much more fun online than in person.

Heather’s experience, empathy, and grit make her a great coach for both our 1:1 Fitness & Nutrition Coaching Team!




Randall Guzman has a BA in Sports Management and a MBA in Applied Management. He is a former college defensive lineman. He has played professional football in the UIFL and UIFL. He was a "big guy" for the majority of his life. During his football career he averaged a playing weight that ranged from 295LBS-305LBS. After hanging up the cleats Randall continued to engage in bad eating habits. One year later he found himself weighing in at 386LBS. After Randall decided he wanted to transform his body and overall health, he tried many dieting fads that were unsuccessful. In January of 2014 he decided to become really dedicated to a healthy lifestyle vowed to himself to lose at least 100LBS. Sixteen months later he accomplished this feat through macro counting, weight lifting and HIIT (high intensity interval training). Today Randall is motivated more than ever to continue this healthy lifestyle and get into the best shape of his life while helping others do the same. Randall has lost a total of 125 pounds. He is a certified personal trainer and macro coach.



ASSISTANT COACH @jrulesnutrition

Jeannette is a certified nutrition coach through Precision Nutrition. She also has her macro nutrition coaching certification through Eve Guzman’s Macro Mentorship and National Academy of Sports Medicine. Jeannette has enjoyed both eating food and being active her entire life. She was taught by her family and culture to enjoy food, both nutrient dense and not. She has always enjoyed hiking, playing soccer and basketball, dancing and taking long walks on the beach. As a young adult, she became less active and inevitably started to gain weight. She became an active participant in diet culture, thinking that eating less and exercising more (via cardio machines) was the way to go. She let go of what she was taught since she was young and resorted to a life of deprivation. She allowed others to dictate what and how much to eat for years. She didn’t understand a thing about dieting flexibly and properly fueling herself to achieve the results that she wanted. In 2012, she discovered macros and weight lifting and has not turned back since. She has found it to be her best strategy for her own fat loss and for others. She is a huge advocate for eating enough, eating foods that one enjoys and not merely foods that one has to eat, and she enjoys staying very curvy and very strong. Jeannette is a huge advocate for food freedom and wants all women to have the same. She feels and understands that all foods are good for our bodies, for our minds and for our souls.



ASSISTANT COACH @coach.cait.hoyler

Cait Hoyler is a nutrition and active-lifestyle weight-loss coach, certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, and Registered Nurse in the field of Oncology. She has a passion for connecting with others and allowing them to see things in themselves they had never noticed before. Sometimes it takes an outside perspective to shine light on the path you’re needing to take and Cait has that perspective. Growing up, she wasn't an athlete and did not give too much thought about her overall health and fitness. In college, she started to dabble in the gym but her nutrition was constantly changing to the most recent "fad". Once learning how to properly fuel her body, she began seeing major changes in her body and cultivated a passion for helping others achieve the same. Cait has been in the nursing field for 5 years but felt moved to start her own business coaching other women who are searching for something that can sometimes seem so elusive-a healthy & fun lifestyle balance. The missing part with most programs is always the emotional component. You can eat right and workout 24/7, but if you aren’t changing the habits underneath and the reasons for them-nothing will stick; this is a major component of Cait's coaching. She is truly a wanderlust at heart and love to explore new cities as much as possible with her husband, Kevin. Cait is an advocate for women to create their own strength, because each one of us is more powerful than we could ever imagine. So glad to have her as part of the MacroU family! Coach